El Potrero Chico, Hidalgo NL

northern mexico most popular big wall climbing destination

El Potrero Chico

El Potrero Chico, Hidalgo Nuevo Leon is Northern Mexico’s big wall climbing focal point. Endless walls of limestone routes have drawn route developers here since the early 60’s when Juan de Dios climbed what is now Estrellita (the little star).

Classic long routes within minutes of the road.

SouthernXposure has been guiding, developing routes, and repairing trail infrastructure in El Potrero Chico for eighteen years. We know which routes are best for each individual climber every time we rope up at the cliffs. Why are we Mexico’s most popular guide service? Well, we literally wrote the most comprehensive guidebook for the area and because we have the most accomplished friendly guides that understand that it is not just about the climbing. Our day together starts when we meet, continues from the base of the route throughout the climb all the while catering to our guests until we arrive back to the ground.

We truly provide ‘experiences that last a lifetime’.