“Own It” Women’s Climbing Retreats are not simply about having “all women*” courses.
We teach exactly the same material for our co-ed clinics but this clinic is specific to women.
SouthernXposure Climbing School Presents
“Own It” A Women’s Climbing Retreat in Mexico
December 27th-3rd, January 17th-24th & March 14th-21st 2025

All This and so much more!
- Four days of climbing Instruction within three completely different world class destinations.
- Three Professional Rock Climbing Guides
- Airport Transportation
- Breakfast and Lunch for Guided Days
- Six Nights Lodging
- Touring Three Different Gorgeous Tourist Towns
- Shoes, Harness, Helmets
- All this for $2,700.00(minus $400.00 if you book early). $2,300.00?! Yeeee Haaa!

Our “Own It” retreat is so much more than having “gender specific*” days of climbing and learning.
What we have experienced with past “Own It” retreats is that women supporting women while climbing creates very special bonds that truly accentuates the leader/belayer relationship. While in ‘the zone’ climbing out of one’s level of comfort having such a wonderful crew of lady crushers all around is an experience beyond expression. By keeping our time together single-gendered ideas and strategies towards whatever level of success is desired tends to flow in a more kinetic manner. The group as a whole builds upon one another’s strengths forming a very special cohesion, a natural karma that remains long after our time together is concluded.

Climbing with Us.
These days of climbing and learning are specific to women for the gains of knowledge and (as important) experiences that will last a lifetime.
The retreat days are about climbing three completely different world class destinations while learning together as a fully supportive group. It is all about gaining a complete understanding of climbing-skillsets that are taught by the best guides all the while climbing amazing routes within spectacular world class locations.

This is an opportunity for women to build skills specific to rock climbing with other like-minded women led by our experienced and highly trained staff.

Please keep reading to appreciate where we will be climbing and what we have planned for everyone in attendance.

Day 1 ~Welcome to Mexico! Sport Climbing and the art of fluid motion. Peña de Bernal
This clinic will be taught at La Peña de Bernal. Rising to almost 1,700 feet in height, La Peña is the world’s tallest monolith as well as a world class climbing destination. This magnificent climbing area and beautiful town is conveniently located 25 minutes East of the Intercontinental Airport of Queretaro.
All of our days together will focus on climbing at three different magnificent areas in Central Mexico. Invaluable education to close and gaps in any skills learned, eating delicious local food while absorbing the cultural heritage around each area.
The climbing is incredible, the skills learned imperative. As a huge bonus to everything gained for the future is the ability to experience three completely different climbing areas, different rock, different ecosystems and climbing styles.
If you like culturally rich cooking you are in for a culinary experience like no other! As a balance to all the mental stimuli we have delicious food catered to the crag.
Breakfast at the Airbnb then lunch (at the crag) is included within the cost of attending. Fresh squeezed orange juice is a great start to any morning!
Our professional guides will begin the day by discussing the foundations of climbing and what it is to have a strong and solid partnership between the climber and belayer. Within this discussion the group as a whole will consider their individual strengths vs. (perceived) weaknesses and discuss what everyone is looking to accomplish throughout their time spent with us.

During our first day together a deep focus will be placed on the technique differences between traditional and sport climbing. From the ground to clipping the anchors climbers will fine tune the skills required to proficiently sport climb outdoors.
- On-sighting tactics
- climbing efficiently and fluid movement
- overcoming the mindset of thinking about only the fall vs. thinking about the climbing
- falling and why it’s never failing
- building the best anchor-point on bolts and stripping the anchor safely and efficiently
- 99% of past participants are leading sport climbs by days-end
This is a day that will resonate throughout your entire climbing career as you will “own” these valuable skills.
*Whether you top-rope, mock lead or full on lead climb; everyone will feel complete and total inclusion within the group. You will learn from professional guides while feeling the strength and security from one another’s accomplishments.

La Concepcion, Aculco is ‘the absolute best crack climbing on the Northern Continent’. This is quite a statement isn’t it?! Come and see how incredible our little slice of heaven is ~ for yourself.

Day 2 ~Crack Climbing and keeping everyone safe at the cliffs. OWN IT!
La Concepción, Aculco

Day 3 ~A Resting rest day in Aculco.
Wake up late and kick around the beautiful town of Aculco.
Aculco is a tourist town with lots to see and do.
Aculco was granted the coveted Pueblos Mágico designation in 2015 for a many great attributes. The history being first on a long list. Aculco was founded around the year 1110 AD by the Otomí people; and it was conquered by the Mexicas in the 14th century. The Spanish “founded” the town in the 1500’s and built the church right off the main square. Miguel Hidalgo was held up in the convent during his revolution against the Spanish which gives the town historical reference. The town is gorgeous and historical.

Day 4 ~Fight the Pump; climbing smart on steep terrain. Own IT!
Las Peñas de Dexcani, Jilotepec
Climber’s will fortify their skills acquired by using the knowledge gained over the past few day’s of clinics. The goal? Feel comfortable and succeed in a new environment that forces differing techniques and also energy conservation. You will be route finding while the pump clock is ticking.
This is a full day of climbing and learning. We as a cohesive group will focus more attention on making sure all the necessary building blocks of success have been retained for this day and moving into the future. Learning the techniques needed, specific to sport climbing, on steep terrain pays large dividends for anyone looking forward to travel-climbing from our day together into the future. The walls of Las Peñas de Dexcani are truly a magical outdoor classroom.
We teach lessons and skills to propel one’s entire mindset towards proficiency and self sufficiency.

Day 4 ~Fight the Pump; climbing smart on steep terrain. Own IT!
Las Peñas de Dexcani, Jilotepec
Climber’s will fortify their skills acquired by using the knowledge gained over the past few day’s of clinics. The goal? Feel comfortable and succeed in a new environment that forces differing techniques and also energy conservation. You will be route finding while the pump clock is ticking.
This is a full day of climbing and learning. We as a cohesive group will focus more attention on making sure all the necessary building blocks of success have been retained for this day and moving into the future. Learning the techniques needed, specific to sport climbing, on steep terrain pays large dividends for anyone looking forward to travel-climbing from our day together into the future. The walls of Las Peñas de Dexcani are truly a magical outdoor classroom.
We teach lessons and skills to propel one’s entire mindset towards proficiency and self sufficiency.

Day 6 ~ We return to La Concepcion for another day climbing the best cracks on the northern Hemisphere.
Day 7 ~ Travel Day. We make sure everyone makes it to the airport with plenty of time to relax before their flight.
What is needed to join:
Payment Information
Four days of climbing, a lifetime of learning, seven nights lodging, six breakfasts, lunches catered to the crags, all transportation, culture, great times, memories that will honestly last a lifetime.
(We keep the price low for inclusion)
*Please look at other climbing retreats and compare pricing and what you get in return. Climbing at three completely different areas? Lots of learning to be used for a lifetime? And visiting gorgeous towns as well????? It’s an incredible experience.
Retreat Dates: December 27/3 January 17/24 March 14/21
What’s Included and What’s Not~
- Airport Transfers from and to Querétaro Intercontinental Airport
- Transportation to and from all climbing each day
- Five nights of accommodations in either really nice hotels or Airbnb’s
- Incredible breakfasts (catered to the house), delicious lunches (delivered to the crag)Vegetarian, Vegan, Lactose, Gluten Free not a problem
- Instruction/learning, guiding, experiencing three absolutely, positively beautiful world class climbing areas
What’s Not Included:
- Airfare from your home city to Querétaro Airport, Mexico (We would be happy to discuss travel and best connection options)
- Dinners after climbing
- Gratuities for your guides
- Any type of Travel Protection
Flying into Queretaro International Airport is conveniently located while climbing in Central Mexico and very easy from the United States. From the airport to Peña de Bernal is less than a 25 minute drive. We will have a driver waiting for you when you land. What we ask is that as soon as the tires touch the tarmac, we receive a message via WhatsApp. Customs can take anywhere from five minutes to thirty five minutes depending on what time of day you land. By letting us know you are on the ground we can be sure to pick you up as soon as you walk out of arrivals. Queretaro International Airport.

Best to fly in the day before. We will have our car service pick you up at the airport for the quick trip to Bernal. Once in Bernal spend the remainder of the day absorbing the beautiful weather and poking around all the artisanal shops in town. Food, music, culture and shopping are all waiting for you.
**Bring an extra bag to check on your way home for purchased items. Trust us, you will buy great gifts for yourself and others.
After the clinics are completed plan to stay an extra day or two to explore the Magic Towns of Aculco or Bernal. There are numerous cultural heritage sites found close to where we have spent our days climbing. Once you sign up we can talk about how to make the remainder of your trip after the guiding is done-spectacular!
Horseback riding, hiking, hot springs, museums, pyramids, local tourist attractions, 4×4 jeep tours, dirt bike tours, or just hang out!! Your time spent here will be unforgettable. Guaranteed.

Meet your guides~

Katie Brown
Guest Rock Climbing Instructor, Single Pitch Guide
A former professional rock climber, groundbreaking athlete, writer and mom Katie embodies everything we are about here at SouthernXposure. We are super excited to welcome Katie as our guest guide to add to our already amazing lineup of professional climbers to help everyone attending reach their personal goals. Katie started climbing in the early 1990’s and quickly dominated the competition climbing scene for years. While climbing professionally she won almost every competition she entered, including adult competitions which she entered as a junior. Katie has been recognized as one of the world’s best sport climbers, winning every US Adult National that she entered, both the X Games and Arco Rock Master as well as the World Cup in France.
Katie was the first woman in history to on-sight 5.13d climbing “Omaha Beach” in the Red River Gorge, Kentucky as well as being the first woman to ever flash “Hydrophobia” 5.14- in Spain. Katie’s unparalleled skills have solidified her as one of the world’s best climbers from dominating competitions to achieving historic climbing feats with FFA’s of routes never previously done solely by lady crushers.
Katie Brown, a prominent mental health advocate and public speaker, focuses on championing improved practices for the well-being of competitive athletes. Her impactful presentations shine a light on mental health and body-related challenges faced by high-achieving athletes urging individuals to prioritize holistic health over accolades. With her genuine expertise and book written specifically related to this subject she continues to elevate awareness and foster crucial dialogues on mental wellness in sports. Katie Brown’s journey aligns seamlessly with our mission statement, and we are excited to unite our shared vision with visiting climbers.
Katie’s expertise is unmatched, and she will certainly bring great karma, technique skills and climbing knowledge to pass along to everyone. Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to learn from a true climbing icon and empower yourself on the rocks.

Arcelia García
Rock Climbing Instructor, Single Pitch and Multi-pitch Rock Guide
Arcelia has applied her technical climbing skills to archeological explorations of cliffs, canyons and mountains throughout Mexico. She has conducted research projects to survey the 500m high walls of the Rio La Venta Canyon in the tropical southern state of Chiapas. Additionally, she has led exploration teams surveying the Sumidero Canyon in Chiapas (600m). Additionally Arcelia has completed projects on the volcano of Nevado de Toluca (4,680m), and Pico de Orizaba (5,638m). Arcelia is an experienced rock guide who is always happy to share in the joy of another’s wondrous experience while discovering climbing in her beautiful country.

Caro Saucedo
Rock Climbing Instructor, Single Pitch and Multi-pitch Rock Guide, Alpine Guide
Caro is most likely the most accomplished female alpine and rock guide in all of Mexico. After finishing her university studies and graduating with a Biology degree in 2014 she realized her desire was to follow in her mother’s tracks (literally) and become a full time alpine/mountaineering guide.
Caro has been guiding alpine and rock climbing as her full time profession for more than 5 years. She has taken climber’s up every volcano in Mexico as well as guiding the big mountains in the Andes, Perú.
When not mountaineering Caro has been guiding rock all around Mexico from the Northern cliffs of El Potrero Chico to the National Park Mineral del Chico in Central Mexico. Caro has also professionally guided in South America and Canadá.
Caro is a most welcomed addition to the staff at SouthernXposure Guides and has been a part of our Women’s Retreat for years. She is a crack master who loves to teach anyone willing to learn the finer points of filling the void and how to defy gravity.

Simeon Heimowitz
Owner of SouthernX, PCGI Certified Rock Climbing Instructor, Licensed Rock Guide, SAG Professional Stunt Man, Wilderness First Responder, prolific developer, and all around swell human being!
Simeon learned to climb at the High Rocks Vista in Bucks County PA. While there he figured out the bolted routes were either real bad, real old, or both. This started the itch to develop well protected hard routes. This itch as with other developers becomes an all out case of hives! From Stover he climbed extensively within the Delaware Water Gap recreational area before moving on to the Gunks in 1997. His desire to share the fine art of climbing systems to keep everyone safe and his love of Mexico propelled him into a life of a professional rock climbing instructor in 2005. SouthernXposure has been teaching people how to climb and guiding areas all over Mexico for almost 25 years. How time flies!!
Come and climb with SouthernXposure. See for yourself why we are the premier guide service in all of Mexico.